Educational Programs

Good, clean and fair food for all is only possible with knowledge. Education is vital and central to what we do. By understanding and caring where our food comes from, who makes it, and how it is made, we can truly appreciate the pleasure of eating. Slow Food Hong Kong has educational programs for everyone: children and adults, members and non-members.

Convivium Activities

We are constantly learning in a myriad of ways. We offer activities such as local vegetable or fish farm visits, food and wine tastings, guest speakers and conferences to continue expanding our knowledge of our surrounding community and how we are affected by what we choose to eat. On a local level, Slow Food Hong Kong’s activities strive to bring producers and consumers closer together. On a global level, we support and contribute to the Ark of TastePresidium producers and Terra Madre food communities.

Theme Dinners and Taste Workshops

img-peopleThe Slow Food educational style is based on the Taste Workshops – a permanent feature at all large Slow Food events – in which experts teach participants to taste and compare foods and match them with wine and other drinks.

Hong Kong is a cosmopolitan, international centre, therefore our theme dinners reflect both the “expatriate” and locally-based profiles of our members. We not only explore and enjoy Hong Kong and Cantonese cuisine but also that of our surrounding Asian diaspora, Western cuisines and contemporary food movements.

Slow Food in Schools

There is no better time than the present to begin educating our future generations. It is our responsibility to equip our children with knowledge about “slow food”. This knowledge will provide our children with the freedom to choose what is right for themselves, their community, and their environment.

Slow Food has a myriad of school programs all over the world that range from teacher training and curricula to improving school lunches and organizing after-school programs.

With our members’ help, Slow Food Hong Kong aims to become an involved participant in our local schools. We want to collaborate with parents and educators on programs and activities that engage our children and students in the food they eat – a curriculum that would include information about our current food sources, production and consumption; workshops in school gardens; and cooking courses. We want our children to have the opportunity to discover and appreciate the taste of responsibly, sustainably and lovingly raised food.

Slow Food International’s Initiatives

  • Save endangered foods and defend gastronomic traditions through our biodiversity projects
  • Teach the pleasure of food and how to make good, clean and fair choices through food and taste education
  • Celebrate the gastronomic traditions of many countries, artisanal foods, such as cheese and fish, and gather our worldwide network in our international events
  • Connect young people passionate about changing the food system through the Slow Food Youth Network
  • From animal welfare to land grabbing, address topics that we care about through countless activities organized by Slow Food members in our convivium
  • Link food producers, chefs, academics and representatives of local communities worldwide in our Terra Madre network