A World of Presidia: Food, Culture & Community Slow Food Hong Kong and Dante Alighieri Society in Hong Kong invite you to a unique and extraordinary taste of Italy with Slow Food Presidia products. The dinner tasting will be an elegant, intimate event featuring a special menu that will letContinue Reading

On 17 September 2022, a cozy group of Slow Food Hong Kong members and friends gathered in the studio of Chef Samantha Tam of Heimao Foods to learn to make Chinese pastries. Samantha, who studied pâtisserie at Le Cordon Bleu and is a founding member of Slow Food Cooks’ AllianceContinue Reading

Twilight Tour: Mui Wo Eco-Adventure   Slow Food Hong Kong, in collaboration with the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (Hong Kong & Macau), proudly announce the upcoming eco-tour in Mui Wo for this autumn. Presented by the Land Education Foundation, the exclusive English tour will venture into the ecological hub ofContinue Reading

Next up, Slow Food Cooks’ Alliance member Sandy Keung will showcase an exclusively crafted menu for Slow Food general members this summer at her fine dining restaurant, TABLE. Deeply influenced by the Chinese holistic concept of ‘harmony between man and nature’, TABLE revives the practice of eating according to seasonality.Continue Reading

Article and photos by Michele Wisla “There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away, it must go somewhere.” – Annie Leonard As we started off for our afternoon tour and workshop on 28 May 2022 at Urban Mushroom, a company & farm creating sustainable local produceContinue Reading

From Waste to Food: Tour and Workshop with Urban Mushroom Founded in 2018, Urban Mushroom is a venture that grows mushrooms with wastes such as coffee grounds, rice bran, straw, corn and wood. The team aims to raise public awareness about sustainability and the possible uses of city wastes byContinue Reading

Join and connect with other Slow Food Hong Kong members on a contemplative evening and enjoy a 15-minute documentary broadcast live on Zoom, called the “Stories of Food“, produced by Slow Food Minnesota. Bring your own favorite slow drinks and snacks to the (online) table and make yourself comfortable. AfterContinue Reading

Article by Elizabeth Zhang I recently started Michael Pollan’s “Omnivore’s Dilemma” and in the early chapters, he discusses purchasing a steer (named simply No. 534), to follow this one animal from birth to slaughter, in order to better understand the modern food production chain in the US. To borrow aContinue Reading