US Students’ Visit to Hong Kong

US Students’ Visit to Hong Kong

Earlier this year, some students from the US visited Hong Kong and wanted to learn about slow food-related areas in the city as part of their study trip. Our president, Carol, organized for them some site visits during their stay in Hong Kong. Below are the accounts from two students of the group. We are happy that they found the learning experience enjoyable and useful.

I was amazed by the grouper farm and how it functioned as a whole given that it was an indoor, large-scale fish farm. I learned a lot from talking to the employees, discovering that most of the older aged employees did the manual labor while the young men were engineers. That information was used in my research paper. I would definitely go back to Hong Kong!


Thank you so much!


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Hong Kong is a phenomenal city offering amenities and cuisines exemplifying the nexus of Western and Eastern cultures. Here, one can explore vastly different aspects of the city each day and indulge in delicate and delicious foods ranging from street-made curried fish balls to traditional Cantonese dim sum or even a luxurious ten course seafood tasting. I still can’t forget the savory aromas that hit me while walking past iconic dai pai dongs and the unending rows of pop-up shops lining the Ladies’ market (the place for souvenirs).
Out of several cities we visited in Asia, Hong Kong proved to have the best of both urban and rural worlds. Just an hour from the city skyline and the beautiful harbor walk is Lau Fau Shan, a region in the new territories famous for seafood. At Lau Fau Shan, we visited an eye-opening organic grouper farm with a view of nearby Shenzhen, China. Upon arrival, the staff welcomed us with open arms and gave us an informative presentation on their goals and purpose for pursuing organic grouper farming. The aquaculture facility here was unlike any other farm we had visited on our trip. The staff gave us a brilliant tour that showcased massive saltwater tanks holding thousands of fish fry and smaller tanks home to several grouper weighing upwards of 100lbs. As a whole, our group found Hong Kong extremely exciting and was very thankful for the opportunity to experience such a diverse and culturally rich city and observe such a large-scale organic aquaculture initiative.