Cow Story: Online Sharing with Adelaide Lala Tam

Article by Elizabeth Zhang I recently started Michael Pollan’s “Omnivore’s Dilemma” and in the early chapters, he discusses purchasing a steer (named simply No. 534), to follow this one animal from birth to slaughter, in order to better understand the modern food production chain in the US. To borrow a quote from his writing: What grocery-store item is more silent…Continue Reading

Ode to Lard: Dinner at Heritage Meats

Ode to Lard: Dinner at Heritage Meats Article by Gary Suen “Eat less of the wrong meat” advocated Bennet Lee, founder of the Hong Kong-based Heritage Meats, when someone in our group asked a question about the global trend of putting less reliance on meat as our daily diet. We were at his shop in Repulse Bay as part of…Continue Reading

Slow Wine Tasting with Il Borro

Slow Wine Tasting with Il Borro Article and photos by Danny Grimshaw A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…well it has certainly felt like a long lost memory since the last gathering of the Slow Food faithful in Hong Kong. On a rainy and blustery evening in mid-October 2021 after surviving back to back typhoons, it was…Continue Reading

The True Cost of Food with Peggy Chan

The True Cost of Food with Peggy Chan On 22 May 2021, we were honoured to have Peggy Chan of Grassroots Initiatives to share her insights into the true cost of food, environmental degradation over that past 50 years, and what we need to do to restore and regenerate the Earth’s topsoil. Peggy gave an informative introduction on the food…Continue Reading