The University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, Italy, born and promoted in 2004 by the Slow Food association in collaboration with the Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna regional authorities, is a private university legally recognized by the Italian state.

It turns out gastronomes, people equipped with knowledge and skills in the agricultural and food sector, capable of driving food production, distribution and consumption towards proper, viable choices and helping to create a sustainable future for the planet.

Its graduates and postgraduates are employed in the artisan and industrial agrifood production sector, in small, medium and large distribution, in the tourist sector, in food education, and in non-government agencies and organizations. Many have also become entrepreneurs working on individual projects.

Since its founding, the University of Gastronomic Sciences has offered Masters programs with an international scope, including Master in New Food Thinking, Master in World Food Studies, Master in Food Communication & Marketing, Master in Agroecology & Food Sovereignty, and Hybrid Master in Local Food Policy.

Please check out the official UNISG website for details.