Ukrainian Easter Dinner at Dacha

Article by Angus Forsyth Attending at Dacha Restaurant on Hollywood Road for the Slow Food Ukrainian Easter dinner on 13 April 2023. There were regular members of Slow Food Hong Kong and some new faces. The dinner was on the upper floor of the restaurant. Approximately 20 people were coming to the dinner and when we arrived on the upper…Continue Reading

The expressions of Slow Food conviviality

A culinary tour of Slow Food Presidia Products** in conjunction with Dante Alighieri Society at Casa Certa and Casa Del Pane (IG@casadelpanehk) was experienced with the greater Italian culture community aficionados on Wednesday, 16 November. The event was a part of the Italia GastronoMia Festival. A delicious array of artisanal food products were sampled and paired with very nice Slow…Continue Reading

SFHK Happy Hour Series

Article and photos by Diane Espley The November Slow Food Hong Kong Happy Hour get-together on Monday, 7 November 2022, was small, intimate, and very convivial event! It was organised by Walter Kern at the lovely Kee Wah Tearoom in Wan Chai, in the beautiful Grade III Historic Building, with Chef Ringo Tao in attendance. Some new, very interesting members…Continue Reading

Cow Story: Online Sharing with Adelaide Lala Tam

Article by Elizabeth Zhang I recently started Michael Pollan’s “Omnivore’s Dilemma” and in the early chapters, he discusses purchasing a steer (named simply No. 534), to follow this one animal from birth to slaughter, in order to better understand the modern food production chain in the US. To borrow a quote from his writing: What grocery-store item is more silent…Continue Reading