March 3 to May 18, 2015 INSPIRATIONS, CHALLENGES, AND MOTIVATIONS A RECAP OF OUR FIRST CHEF TALKS by Danielle Chin It’s not often diners are able to have a deep discussion with the chefs of their favorite Michelin-starred restaurants, but from March 3 to May 18, the Chef Talks series presented by Slow Food and The Fringe Club made that…Continue Reading

Terra Madre Day 2014

   December 10, 2014 Yet again a true Slow Food affair, this year’s Terra Madre Day Lunch  on December 10, 2014 did not disappoint. Though the original intent of Terra Madre Day is to celebrate local food traditions and products, this year Slow Food Hong Kong recognized the birth place of the Slow Food Movement as well as the diversity…Continue Reading

A Slow Fish Dinner at Fishful Season

November 19, 2014 Earlier this year, Slow Food committee member Diane Espley met Ka Shing Leung, or Shing as he calls himself, at an organic food fair. From this very fortuitous meeting, a friendship and a collaboration between Shing and Slow Food Hong Kong was born. Together with his wife, Emma Leong, and his sister, Kary Leung, Shing owns and operates KLG…Continue Reading

A Visit from Paolo Di Croce, Secretary General of Slow Food International

August 11, 2014 Slow Food Hong Kong had the pleasure of welcoming Mr Paolo Di Croce, Secretary General of Slow Food International, for a brief two-day stop in Hong Kong. Paolo began the last stop of a successful tour through Asia by joining our convivium for dinner at Kin’s Kitchen, the Michelin-starred Cantonese restaurant that features uniquely traditional dishes. The…Continue Reading

A Winter Dinner of Raclette

February 18, 2012 Our long-awaited Winter Dinner finally took place. After last year’s adventurous fondue feast, we celebrated our gathering with a hearty Raclette theme. A healthy number (24!) of cheese enthusiasts met at Ma Cuisine, one of Monsieur Chatte‘s outlets, located in an industrial building in Chai Wan. The cheese was served in a more traditionally French way, a bit different…Continue Reading

A Visit to Gourmet House Chocolatier

September 7, 2013 Slow Food Hong Kong’s visit to Gourmet House Chocolatier was the first in a series of visits to local food manufacturers who display an outstanding level of quality. Gourmet House is an exclusive, luxury Hong Kong chocolate company dedicated to producing the highest-quality premium chocolate specialties with the best ingredients from around the world such as the finest couverture…Continue Reading

A Polish Christmas

December 7, 2013 On Saturday evening, December 7, 2013, Slow Food Hong Kong members were treated to a traditional Polish Christmas dinner hosted by the Pietrowiak family who hail from Jarocin in western Poland. There are usually three Christmas meals in Poland – Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the Epiphany.  Elements of all three were combined into one meal for this event. We…Continue Reading

Wild Yunnan Mushrooms at Nico’s Spuntino

June 6, 2013 On June 6, our fellow Slow Food member Angie Koong shared her passion for wild Yunnan mushrooms with our organization at Nico’s Spuntino Bar & Restaurant. Yunnan Province is home to a staggering number of wild mushroom varieties, its Three Parallel Rivers region particularly abundant. Yet, due to its remote mountainous landscape, the wild mushrooms of Yunnan are still…Continue Reading