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The True Cost of Food with Peggy Chan

May 22, 2021 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The True Cost of Food with Peggy Chan


Join Slow Food Hong Kong and Grassroots Initiatives this May to hear Peggy Chan‘s insights into the true cost of food, environmental degradation over that past 50 years, and what we need to do to restore and regenerate the Earth’s topsoil!

Peggy opened Grassroots Pantry in Hong Kong in 2012, with a mission to raise awareness and share knowledge on the benefits of plant-based cuisine. It was later recognized by the UN Sustainable Development Goals ESCAP as a best practice case study on sustainable sourcing and responsible management. In 2019, that evolved into Nectar, a high-end dining concept featuring a progressive, seasonal tasting menu that uses local and often forgotten ingredients.

Peggy is now one of the region’s most authoritative voices on organic sourcing and sustainable food systems. She is often invited to develop educational programmes for schools, and to advise industries and start-ups on sustainable practices, empowering them to take action.

Peggy will also talk to us about Zero Foodprint, an NGO from California that she is introducing to Asia, which mobilizes funding from the food industry and restaurant sector to scale agricultural climate solutions.

Don’t miss this chance to learn about the forefronts of the food movement!



Date: 22 May 2021 (Saturday)

Time:  4pm to 5pm; a link will be emailed to registered participants



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(Registration closed)


May 22, 2021
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Slow Food Hong Kong © 2025

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